نتایج نخستین فراخوان مشترک (INSF) و (NSFC)
در جدول ذیل صرفاً طرح های مورد پذیرش قرار دارد. جهت مشاهده کد طرح را جستجو کنید.
No. | Field | INSF Application No. | Project Title | Iranian PI Affiliation |
5 | Life Sciences | 4001390 | Detection and molecular mechanism of pesticides resistance in field vegetables pests, Bemisia tabaci and Trialeurodes vaporariorum | Isfahan University of Technology |
6 | Life Sciences | 4001873 | Effects of rapeseed antioxidants on diabetes mellitus and its complications, and studies on the functional rape (Brassica napus) | University of Tehran |
7 | Life Sciences | 4001987 | Thermo-active Macrophage Polarizing Microneedles with Dual-patterned In-Skin Solubility Feature to Treat Autoimmune Diseases | Zanjan University of Medical Sciences |
8 | Life Sciences | 4000655 | Diversity of wood-inhabiting and medicinal macrofungi from western China to Iran | Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology |
9 | Life Sciences | 4002006 | Using genomic and ecological methodologies to investigate the evolution of parental care across populations of Remiz genus | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad |
10 | Life Sciences | 4001990 | Mechanism of a nuclear localized effector Pst_A23 of Puccinia striiformis in regulating host immunity and development of wheat resistance to rust disease | Golestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center |
11 | Life Sciences | 4001458 | The regional tree of life and mechanism of spatial-temple biodiversity in phytophagous mites | Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University |
12 | Life Sciences | 4001872 | Evaluation of the virosomal vector efficiency for dm6ACRISPR targeted delivery in cellular and animal models | Kerman University of Medical Sciences |
13 | Life Sciences | 4001105 | Investigating the contents and function of extracellular vesicles (EVs) released by microbiota in pesticide-amended paddy soils: towards utilizing EVs as potential bioremediation tools of pesticides | University of Tehran |
14 | Life Sciences | 4001289 | Genome-assisted Discovery of Sesquiterpenes Biosynthesis from Ferula Species, Their Bioengineering Production and anti-Pancreatic Cancer Activity | University of Tehran |
15 | Life Sciences | 4001381 | Investigation of plant-microbe interactions within the pioneer plant Miscanthus sinensis inhabiting mine tailings and the potential for bioremediation | Isfahan University of Technology |
16 | Life Sciences | 4001651 | Phylogeny, taxonomy and spatio-temporal diversification of the species-rich genus Phlomoides (Phlomideae; Lamiaceae) in the Old World | University of Tehran |
17 | Life Sciences | 4001703 | Neural network mechanisms of addiction-related cues induced impulsivity: from computational modeling to closed-loop neuromodulation | Shahid Beheshti University |
18 | Material Sciences | 4001281 | Designing Antibacterial and Anti-Inflammatory Multifunctional Polymeric Frameworks and their Applications in Ultrasound-Mediated Theranostics for Refractory Wounds | Lorestan University |
19 | Material Sciences | 4001153 | Selectivity controlling of NOx gas-solid photocatalytic reactions through engineering efficient active sites at the atomic/molecular level over 2D Ti-based perovskite nanomaterials | University of Maragheh |
20 | Material Sciences | 4001793 | Synthesis of carbon-polymer composite fibers with photothermal and conductive properties for solar seawater desalination | Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology |
21 | Material Sciences | 4001541 | Dopant-free Hole-transport Materials for Highly efficient and Stable Carbon-based Perovskite Solar Cells | Sharif University of Technology |
22 | Material Sciences | 4001399 | In-situ characterization on crystallization and rational design of zeolites and its application for cracking of plastic wastes into chemicals | Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Research Center of Iran |
23 | Material Sciences | 4002096 | Research on Circularly Polarized Luminescent Materials and Electroluminescence Properties Based on Molecular Chiral Assembly of Phosphorescent Pt(II) Complex Induced by Chiral Groups | Shahid Beheshti University |
24 | Material Sciences | 4001840 | Grain refinement and reinforced mechanism of mg based nano-composites in ultrasonic vibration-assisted severe plastic deformation processes to obtain a new light material | University of Tehran |
25 | Material Sciences | 4000580 | Study on the methods and mechanisms of design of nanotubular halloysite-bimetallic nanohybrid materials for high-efficiency catalytic synthesis of furan-based biofuels | Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Insitute |
26 | Material Sciences | 4000568 | Cordierite based millimeter-wave dielectric ceramics and its integrated design of 5G/6G prototype filters | Tarbiat Modares University |
27 | Material Sciences | 4001694 | All oxide-based wide bandgap semiconductor p-n heterojunctions for high-performance electronic device applications | Shahid Beheshti University |
1 | Mathematics | 4001480 | Lie theory and representation theory of algebras | University of Isfahan |
2 | Mathematics | 4001845 | Partially Hyperbolic Dynamics from Geometric and Probabilistic Viewpoints | Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences |
3 | Mathematics | 4001885 | Analysis in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations | Sharif University of Technology |
4 | Mathematics | 4001901 | Some extremal problems concerning Ramsey and Turán numbers | Isfahan University of Technology |
نمایش ۱ تا ۲۷ مورد از کل ۲۷ مورد.