Postdoctoral Projects

This funding program aims to utilize the existing research potential in universities for priority-driven and demand-oriented research, thereby contributing to the development of human research infrastructure.

Terms and Conditions for Postdoctoral Supervisor

  1. The postdoctoral supervisor must be a full-time faculty member of a university or research institute affiliated with the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology; the Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education; or other national research institutes.
  2. The postdoctoral supervisor must hold a minimum academic rank of Associate Professor in a field relevant to the proposed project.
  3. The postdoctoral supervisor must have a coherent research background and a research plan aligned with INSF priorities.
  4. The postdoctoral supervisor, at the time of application, may not be a supervisor of an ongoing or unfinished Postdoctoral Project at INSF.
  5. Postdoctoral supervisors working in the field of humanities and arts must have a minimum of 5 scientific and research articles indexed in ISC, and in other scientific fields, a minimum of 5 scientific and research articles indexed in Scopus and Web of Science or have completed two research projects in the industry or executive bodies. A patent is equivalent to 2 JCR articles, as determined by Review Groups.
  6. Ideally, a Postdoctoral Project supervisor should not be the thesis advisor of the postdoctoral researcher, and the project's implementation should preferably not be at the researcher's alma mater.

Terms and Conditions for Postdoctoral Researcher

  1. The postdoctoral researcher must hold a doctoral degree in a relevant field approved by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology or the Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education. The time elapsed from graduation to proposal submission date at INSF may not exceed 5 years.
  2. The postdoctoral researcher, in the field of humanities and arts, must have a minimum of 3 scientific and research articles indexed in ISC, and in other scientific fields, a minimum of 3 scientific and research articles indexed in JCR, Scopus, and Web of Science with an impact factor higher than 1.0 or has completed two research projects in the industry or executive bodies in the three years before submitting an application.
  3. The postdoctoral researcher must commit to full-time legal employment during the implementation of postdoctoral projects. 
  4. The researcher may not have any legal prohibition for entering into a research contract.
  5. The researcher must be able to procure an endorsement letter from a high-ranking university or research institute affiliated with the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology; the Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education; or other national research institutes.
  6. The postdoctoral researcher may not have full-time employment.
  7. The submitted proposal may not have been previously implemented as a research project.

Full-Time Employment Commitment

Upon the approval of a Postdoctoral Project, the researcher must commit to full-time employment during the project's duration at the university, research institute, company, or industrial unit where the project is implemented.

Required Documents 

  • INSF profile for the supervisor and the researcher
  • Proposal in the format provided by the INSF
  • Valid personnel order for the supervisor
  • Up-to-date CV
  • Confirmation letter issued by the vice chancellor of research of the university or research institute where the project is implemented


The postdoctoral program has a maximum duration of one year which can be extended for up to one more year upon the approval of the relevant INSF Review Group and the confirmation of the Scientific Board. 

Amount of Funding 

A monthly amount equivalent to a maximum of 80%-150% of an assistant professor's base salary (according to the regulations of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology) in Tehran (based on the regulations of the University of Tehran) will be considered and paid as part of the project implementation support. In addition to the above amounts, fixed amounts will be allocated annually to the project supervisor and, if necessary, to projects requiring equipment, as determined by the expert committee.

How to Submit Proposals

All applications must be submitted through the INSF Research Management System to be reviewed by INSF.

Evaluation Process

All proposals will undergo the following process. Applicants can track every step of the process through the INSF Research Management System

  1. INSF officers assess proposals based on standards for proposal format and required documents submitted. In some cases, officers may ask for modification, or reject those proposals, which do not meet The INSF standards.
  2. A relevant INSF Review Group does a review of a proposal.
  3. Proposals with positive reviews are sent to the Scientific Board. Review Groups suggest a supervisor for each project to the Board.
  4. The INSF Scientific Board will determine the budget, supervisor, and commitments of each project.