INSF First Call for Science Popularizers

In line with its goals of supporting postgraduate-level research, the Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) announces the first call for the postdoctoral researcher- popularizers in the field of science popularization.
Call Description:
The development and promotion of science and technology require investment in and popularization of research and research infrastructure. INSF, in line with its mission to support research infrastructure development and popularization in Iran, has defined a funding scheme to support the postdoctoral program in the field of science popularization. This is an endeavor to make the promotion and popularization of science an integral part of research, in addition to harnessing the research potentials of universities.
Science Popularization refers to attempts made to reflect scientific ideas in a way that even ordinary members of the public can understand the basic concepts of science. In other words, science popularization consists of any activity undertaken to popularize science, develop scientific thinking, and make people interested in science. Science popularization involves adapting complex scientific thoughts and discoveries to the understanding of non-experts.
A postdoctoral researcher–popularizer is an individual who, in addition to research, studies methods for transferring their research findings to different groups of the public and in different formats.
- PhD graduates from all research fields may apply. Priority will be given to researchers with concluded theses or prior research in the field of science popularization.
- Proposals must be goal-oriented and align with the priorities of INSF.
- Applicants must elaborate on their plan of action in their proposal.
INSF Funding Format:
- Postdoctoral Grant: A specific research program during which talented young researchers, after obtaining a doctoral degree, engage in research under the supervision of a prominent faculty member with relevant research experience.
- Postdoctoral Researcher – Popularizer: A specific research program during which talented young researchers with a background in science popularization, after obtaining a doctoral degree, engage in research under the supervision of a prominent faculty member with relevant research experience.
Responsible Review Group:
Applications will be reviewed by the Science Popularization Review Group of INSF through the INSF Research Management System.
Suggested Topics:
- popularization of science and the third mission of INSF
- Media and the popularization of science
- Identification and analysis of science communication activities in Iran
- Identification of various models and approaches to science popularization activities in Iran
- Analysis of the role of science popularization activities in increasing public understanding of science
- Science popularization and its role in national development
- Study and analysis of citizen science activities in Iran
- Science communication and its relationship with economic and social issues of science in Iran (water, climate change, air pollution, traffic, etc.)
- Emerging technologies, the future, and science popularization (artificial intelligence, metaverse, ethical issues of technologies, etc.)
- Development of a practical educational program for different age groups
- Cultural/collective memory of Iranians about science
- Other topics related to the field of science popularization
The deadline for the call is November 29, 2023. A second call will be announced in January 2024.
Further information regarding this call is available on the INSF Persian website.